Стерилизация домашних животных
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Ветеринарная лечебница
Ветеринарная лечебница
Ежедневно с 8 до 20
(приём ведётся строго ПО ЗАПИСИ, до 19:00)
тел. 8 (81372) 2-37-00
г. Луга, ул. Солецкая д.56
Ветеринарная лечебница
Лабораторные исследования
Лабораторные исследования
Искусственное осеменение
Искусственное осеменение
Телефоны для связи:
 8 (81372) 7-23-09, моб.+7 (911) 931-11-98
Лужская городская лечебница
Лужская городская лечебница
Испытательная лаборатория
Испытательная лаборатория
Лаборатория вет-сан экспертизы
Лаборатория вет-сан экспертизы
Ветеринарные участки
Ветеринарные участки

State budgetary institution of Leningrad region "stanciya po borbe s boleznyami zhivotnykh Luga district"

GBU LO "SBBZH Luga district" created by the Decree of the government of Leningrad region from 15.11.2005 g № 504-p.

In 2008, in accordance with the order of the Committee for agriculture and fishery complex of the Leningrad region dated 18.11.2008, No. 162 GULO "Luga the state veterinary inspection" has been renamed to GULO "SBBZH Luga district". The facility performs works, renders services to ensure implementation of laws of the Russian Federation of powers in the field of veterinary medicine including:

- prevention and elimination of contagious and other animal diseases, protection of the territory of Luga district of Leningrad region from contagious animal diseases from other regions of the Russian Federation;

- security in veterinary products and raw materials of animal origin, the health of people from diseases common to animals and humans.

The institution is entitled to perform works, to render services pertaining to its basic kinds of activities provided by the Charter, to individuals and legal entities for payment in accordance with the Rules of rendering of paid veterinary services, approved by RF Government decree of 06 August 1998, No. 898 (in edition of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14.12.2006 g No. 767) and list and cost the state veterinary service approved by order of the Committee for agriculture and fishery complex of Leningrad region of 16.02.2012 No. 11 agreed by order of the Committee for agriculture and fishery complex of Leningrad region.from 15.03.2011 p No. 17

Part of the GBU LO "SBBZH Luga district" includes the following structural divisions:

  1. Vetstantsiya
  2. Luga town veterinary hospital
  3. Veterinary laboratory
  4. Laboratory of veterinary-sanitary examination
  5. 3аклинская uchastkovaya VETERINARNAYA lechebnitsa
  6. Rediska uchastkovaya VETERINARNAYA lechebnitsa
  7. OS'minskaya uchastkovaya VETERINARNAYA lechebnitsa
  8. Retunskaya uchastkovaya VETERINARNAYA lechebnitsa
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